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Border Biscuits Packaging Re-design.


Mood Boards and Research:

To the left is the mood board of different biscuit packaging designs that I created before beginning the project. The purpose of this was to gain an idea of what different biscuit packaging looks like and what I might draw inspiration from for the final outcomes.

To the right is the mood board I created with everything that is essential for packaging containing food products such as biscuits. I used it throughout the project to make sure that I was including everything that needed to be present on the packaging I created.


Experiments with Typography and Patterns:

Here are a few of the boxes I designed as a way of experimenting with different elements of the packaging. I experimented with typography, patterns, and hand drawn designs, although the hand drawn designs never made it to the final stages of the design process.

This was incredibly useful as it let me try out different things for my final project to see what I wanted to improve upon and what ideas I wanted to scrap.

Final three box designs:

Here are the three box designs I had created for projects the final outcomes. Whilst evaluating the i realised that they were missing a few design elements that should have been there (Most importantly the net weight and number of calories). Unfortunately I was out of time when i had noticed this and therefor could not amend my mistakes.

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