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Create/Educate Logo.

CE mood board.png

Mind Maps:

To begin the Create/Educate logo project I created a mind map of of pictures related to education, possible typefaces, and possible colour schemes for the design. This helped me during the design process as it gave me inspiration for the different logo iterations I would later create.

Logo Iterations:

Here is the final logo designs and the two page logo guidelines that showcase the logo font, font pairings, alternate colour schemes (Including black and white), and a showcase of the font at a range of different point sizes.

CE logo iterations.png
Create_Educate 2.png

Final Logo and Guidelines:

Create_Educate guidelines 1 re.png
Create_Educate guidelines 2 re.png

To the right of this paragraph are the logo iterations I created in the process of designing the final logo. With each iteration I make improvements to the design until it gets to a place where I am happy with what I created. Making many iterations of my designs was a good idea as it allowed me to take aspects that I like and expand upon them in the next iteration.

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